A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Gassville, Arkansas was held on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at the Gassville Community Center. Mayor Braim led those in attendance in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and offering a word of prayer. The meeting was then called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Jeff Braim, Presiding Officer.
Upon the calling of the roll, those in attendance were Council Member Kenneth Smith, Council Member Tim McFarland, Council Member Anita Seaman, Council Member Naomi Lassen, Council Member Ernest Adkins, Council Member Ralph Bird, Mayor Jeff Braim, and Recorder-Treasurer Jeff Lewis. Department Heads in attendance were Police Chief Tim Mayfield, Fire Chief Michael Glotzl, and Water and Street Superintendent Michael Dewey.
The minutes from the November 19, 2024 regular meeting were presented to the City Council for consideration. Council Member Bird moved to approve the minutes as submitted, which motion was seconded by Council Member Adkins. Mayor Braim called for corrections or additions. None were forthcoming, whereupon he called for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried and the minutes to stand approved.
The financial report for the month of November, 2024 was then presented to the City Council for consideration. Council Member Seaman moved to approve the report as submitted, which motion was seconded by Council Member McFarland. Mayor Braim called for questions or corrections. None were forthcoming, whereupon he called for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried and the financial report to stand approved.
Police Chief Mayfield gave the police department report for the month of November, 2024. It was accepted into the record without objection. Mayor Braim announced that the police department has received a $52,725.00 public safety equipment grant for the purchase of new in-car camera equipment.
Fire Chief Glotzl gave the fire department report for the month of November, 2024. It was also accepted into the record without objection. Chief Glotzl also reported that his personnel have conducted a complete and thorough inventory of all fire department equipment and assets. All equipment was found to be accounted for.
Members of the fire department had met to vote on a slate of new officers for 2025 to submit to the City Council for approval. Those nominated for referral are:
Garratt Tucker - Assistant Fire ChiefPatrick Campbell - Fire CaptainMichael Tucker - Fire CaptainDarren Roberts - Fire LieutenantChristy Baker - Secretary
Council Member McFarland moved to approve the nominations as submitted. This motion was seconded by Council Member Bird. Mayor Braim called for discussion, then for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.
It was announced that the fire department will be scheduling an upcoming recertification class for CPR/AED.
The Gassville Planning and Zoning Commission met on December 9th. A copy of the minutes from that meeting had been presented to the City Council. The meeting included discussion on potentially changing set-back requirements for new construction. Council Member Seaman moved to approve the minutes as submitted. The motion was seconded by Council Member McFarland. The Mayor called for discussion, then for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.
The Cotter-Gassville Joint Sewer Commission has not met since the last City Council meeting, however the Mayor did announce that there will be a construction progress meeting held tomorrow morning.
Mayor Braim gave the building inspection report for the period of November 14th through December 11th. It was accepted into the record without objection.
Moving on to unfinished business, the City Council heard an update from Mr. Brian Haas, CPA, on the 2023 water and wastewater audit report. Mr. Haas has spoken to City Attorney Kincade with respect to the litigation that the city is involved in concerning the new city water well. It was reported that Mr. Kincade does not believe the city is at risk of any loss in the matter, and thus the details of the dispute do not need to be included as part of the audit report. No action was taken.
The City Council then took up consideration of Proposed Ordinance No. 2024-06 on its third reading. Council Member Lassen moved to suspend the rules and place the proposed ordinance on its third and final reading by title only. This motion was seconded by Council Member Bird. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the Mayor declared the motion to be carried. Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud the title of the proposed ordinance, entitled:
Council Member Bird then moved to adopt the proposed ordinance as read. This motion was seconded by Council Member McFarland. The Mayor called for discussion, then for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried and Ordinance No. 2024-06 to be adopted.
The City Council next took up consideration of a companion ordinance, Proposed Ordinance No. 2024-07. Council Member Seaman moved to suspend the rules and place the proposed ordinance on its third and final reading by title only. This motion was seconded by Council Member Lassen. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried. Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud the title of the proposed ordinance, entitled:
Council Member Seaman then moved to adopt the proposed ordinance as read, which motion was seconded by Council Member Lassen. Mayor Braim called for discussion, then for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the Mayor declared the motion to be carried and Ordinance No. 2024-07 to be adopted.
Moving on to new business, the City Council took up consideration of the sale of a 1990 Pierce Pumper truck and associated equipment. The City Council had previously advertised for sealed bids for this vehicle, but any bids received had been rejected as being insufficient. Fire Chief Glotzl provided information to the City Council that the Norfork Volunteer Fire Protection District has made an offer of $18,000.00 for this vehicle and equipment. A copy of the specifics of this offer is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Council Member Lassen moved to accept the offer of $18,000.00 for the 1990 Pierce Pumper. This motion was seconded by Council Member Bird. Mayor Braim called for discussion, then for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.
Council Member Lassen then moved to place the $18,000.00 from the sale of that vehicle into the Fire Department Truck Fund #03344. This motion was seconded by Council Member Bird. Mayor Braim called for discussion, then for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be passed.
The Norfork Fire Department had also made a separate offer of $2,500.00 for the purchase of additional equipment items, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Council Member McFarland moved to accept this offer as well, which motion was seconded by Council Member Smith. Mayor Braim called for discussion, then for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried.
Fire Chief Glotzl requested that the $2,500.00 proceeds from this transaction be added to his operation and maintenance budget. Council Member Seaman moved to appropriate this $2,500.00 into the 2024 fire department budget, expense line item #7020 operations and maintenance. This motion was seconded by Council Member McFarland. Mayor Braim called for discussion, then for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be passed.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2024-08 was next on the agenda for a first reading. Council Member Lassen moved to present the ordinance and place it on the first reading. This motion was seconded by Council Member McFarland. Mayor Braim called for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried. Thereupon, Recorder-Treasurer Lewis read aloud the proposed ordinance in its entirety, entitled:
Continuing under new business, the City Council took up consideration of passage of the proposed 2025 city budget. Mayor Braim had submitted the budget proposal earlier, and the City Council had met in work sessions to discuss it. Mayor Braim stated that only one change had been made since the City Council last reviewed it. An increase had been made in the proposed water and sewer budget in expense line item #7400 - Telecommunications. Council Member Bird moved to adopt and approve this final version of the 2025 city budget as presented. This motion was seconded by Council Member Adkins. Mayor Braim called for discussion, then for the vote. Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voted for the motion. There were no nays, and the motion was declared to be carried and the 2025 city budget to be adopted.
Mayor Braim then proceeded to update the City Council to-wit:
1. Upon recommendation of legal counsel, the City has moved to dismiss without prejudice the lawsuit it filed in federal court against the contractor of the new city water well. The lawsuit will, according to the Mayor, be re-filed in another jurisdiction in order that other parties can be brought into the lawsuit.
2. The Mayor discussed needed repairs to the city administration vehicle that will cost $1,718.97. After discussion, it was decided to take no action with respect to an additional appropriation for this expenses as it is not felt that the repairs can be made until 2025.
3. In order to pay for a new computer server, the Mayor asked the City Council for an amendment to the 2024 budget to allow for the transfer of $5,000.00 from expense line item #6460 - dues and fees, into expense line item #6740 - IT services. Council Member McFarland moved to amend the 2024 budget and re-appropriate $5,000.00 as specified in the Mayor's request. This motion was seconded by Council Member Seaman, with Council Members Smith, McFarland, Seaman, Lassen, Adkins, and Bird voting for the motion.
4. Mayor Braim read a letter from Yelcot Telephone Co. announcing rate increases for their cable TV packages. The basic package is increasing to $45.95 per month and the expanded package is increasing to $61.95. The last increase occurred in 2022, according to Yelcot.
5. Mayor Braim will be out of office on vacation from December 23rd through January 2nd.
Prior to adjournment, Council Member Bird reminded Fire Chief Glotzl to place a renewed emphasis on trying to quash or reverse the unreasonable federal regulations and mandates that are scheduled to go into effect that will harm rural fire departments. It is hoped that with a new incoming administration and a new Congress in 2025 that positive results can be achieved.
There being no further business to attend to, the City Council then adjourned at 6:48 PM upon motion of Council Member Bird, seconded by Council Member McFarland, with all members voting in favor.
Submitted by: /s/ Jeffrey Lewis, Recorder-Treasurer
Approved by: /s/ Jeff Braim, Mayor